Date | time 2/5/2024 7:00 PM  

Location: 1309 Raleigh Ave, Smartmouth Brewing Co.

In Attendance

☑Julie Malcolm ☑Brian Wynne ☑Christine Redel ☑Sarah Wesley 

☐Courtney Epps ☑Katherine Moore ☑Melanie Sewell ☐Jennifer Moody 

☑Julie Walsh ☑Aimee Umidi ☐Monica Lynch ☐Steven Traylor 

☑Rebecca Danchise ☐Karla Hakansson ☑Megan Kiefner ☑Erika Donohue 

☐Jenn Burke ☐Catherine LaVoy ☑Samantha Wegener ☐Juliemarie Vanderburg

☑Ann Bockheim ☑Anne Marie Wynne ☑Bob Dwyer ☐Mary Fox

☐Shawn Wilkerson

Call to Order and Welcome

Meeting called to order by Julie Malcolm


Approval of Jan 8th, 2024 Minutes 

Motion to approve: Sarah Wesley

Second: Rebecca Danchise

All in favor: Ayes unanimous

Special Guest – Tommy Staples, Maury Athletic Director

Support of Boosters much appreciated, Friday night was a spark for the teachers, great morale booster in addition to fund raiser.

Q:  Are there sports which are underfunded? A: All sports are underfunded to some degree. AD sits down with each coach at the end of the year to find out what their wants and needs are.

Q: Status of ceiling/roof in gym.  A: Continues to leak, worse during warm weather when there is more condensation. 

Q: What is the accounting of uniform return at end of season? A: Coaches are responsible for collecting them at the end of the season. Teams fundraise for warm-up suits, meals, etc. School pays for certain items such as transportation, invitationals, uniforms, etc. 

Transportation – COVID impact on availability of charter buses. Dealing with smaller charter bus companies. Buses (drivers) are not available until after 4:30. 

Q: Is there talk of making lacrosse a varsity sport? A: An issue of interest – limited number of NPS schools have interest in lacrosse team. 

Q: Can tryout schedule be communicated or posted esp in the fall for incoming freshmen? A: AD doesn’t have access to the Maury website. Suggestion made to post it on the Maury sports website.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer: Sarah Wesley 

Treasury update: Current Balance $31, 040

Committee Report – Grants – Chairs: Julie Walsh, Aimee Umidi

Two new Grant requests for review – detailed grant info attached to agenda:

Grant no: 2324-16

Requestor: MHS Garden Club
Amount of Grant:  $114.20 

Request: Soft Close Medium Ratproof Chicken Feeder
Number of students benefited:  55-90, plus more through school beautification efforts.

Motion to Approve: Sarah Wesley

Second: Megan Kiefner

Ayes Unanimous

Grant no: 2324-17

Requestor: Maury Athletics -- Tommy Staples
Amount of Grant:  $5538 includes installation
Request: Industrial Dryer installed from Mid-Atlantic Laundry System
Number of students benefited:  500

Background: $3200 has been spent to get it fixed. Currently no longer working.  

Motion to Approve: Brian Wynne

Second: Katherine Moore

Ayes Unanimous

Request: Need to gather photos of grants for future fundraising efforts; update website.

Grants in Progress – updates 

Math Department IXL – Maury Admin is going to pay for IXL for the 2024 subscription. However, IXL charged the school last year twice for one subscription. Sam Baker is working on getting IXL to take the funds from this double payment and have them applied to Maury's 2024 bill. Once that's done the subscription will become active again.  (Action Item Completed)

Washer/Dryer installation update: Completed. 

Committee Report – Fundraising

Trivia Night Recap and Debrief

Feb 2nd, 2024  7:00-9:30 at Smarthmouth

Cost and Profit:

Sarah provided a spreadsheet with full detailed breakdown

Revenue: $6303 / Expenditure: $2765

Net = $3537

Great positive feedback from teachers, parents and even community members who didn’t attend but wished they had!

Silent Auction: Leave open later next time (we closed it at beginning of third round)

Market the baskets online next time

Offer more student art and teacher art

Have the football team sign the football during the season next year

50/50 Raffle – announce how much the raffle is up to periodically

Left people wanting more for next time

Keep it as a fun event and not a fundraiser

Offer the event more than once a year

Pizza needs to be advertised next time

Trivia night for the kids instead of one of the dances

T-shirt sales update – number remaining ~20

Try to sell at Spring sports

Senior Signs

Need point person to start pricing and ordering

Rebecca Danchise will order the signs – initial order of 100

Sign-up Genius for Boosters to help with sign pick up

Last year we sold 100 and 17 were donated

Keep the cost same as last year $20; each sign costs ~$6.25 to make

Need to publicize where and how to buy signs to avoid leftovers

Goal – have it on the website by next meeting (March)

Week of Giving

Background: Started the year of COVID instead of Auction

Direct outreach asking for donations

April 15-19

Need Committee to work on this

Corporate Sponsors, marketing, direct outreach, etc.

Need more parent giving this year, more marketing is needed

Megan Kiefner

Bob Dwyer

Brian Wynne

Rebecca Danchise

Ann Bockheim

Sarah Wesley

Julie M will ask several others who weren’t at meeting

Corsages for Senior Prom Apr 27th  – fundraiser idea

Erika Donohue

Melanie Sewell

Anne Marie Wynne

Christine Redel – Website 

Rebecca Danchise - Website

Committee Report – Teacher Appreciation – Chair: Monica Lynch

Update on Holiday Wish List Giveaway 

Purchase of smaller items; distributed to teachers in Jan. – spent $600

Grants for larger items, reached out to teachers – No feedback yet

Valentine’s Goodies – Monica will distribute Feb 13th (175)

Teacher Social – mid to late March, before spring break

Monica will spearhead this effort

Committee Report – Marketing/Communications – Chairs: Karla Hakansson/Rebecca Danchise/Christine Redel/Mary Fox

Great marketing for Trivia Night!

Winter Newsletter went out

Plan Spring Newsletter prior to Week of Giving to promote WOG

Early Spring - Teacher Survey

Sarah Wesley can create the Google Doc survey

Samantha Wegener will think about questions to ask

Goal - send prior to Week of Giving to get ideas of items needed

Committee Report – Senior Flowers – Chairs: Megan Kiefner/Erika Donohue

Winter sports Senior Flowers are completed

Items from the Floor

No new items from the floor

Other Business

Looking ahead:

2/14 – Valentines Day Teacher Appreciation

2/21 – Monthly grant meeting at Maury – assist teachers with completing grants

Meeting adjourned 

The next Maury Boosters Board Meeting will be Monday Mar 4th, 2024 at 7 pm

Trinity Presbyterian, 1600 Colonial Avenue

(Volunteer to take minutes: Julie Walsh – Thank you!!)

Minutes Submitted by Ann Bockheim